Saturday, October 6, 2007


Well, I'm going nuts and forced to go into overdrive. See, I don't know whether my wife's family is feeding her misinformation, or feeding it to me. They could be telling her that I am through with her since she left the airport and jumped off a bridge. They could be telling her to divorce, move on, etc., and in the meantime telling me to "Wait". Wait till she's better before speaking to her. It could be a crock of shit. Or, it could be that she just needs time and then I will be able to contact her. I have no fucking clue and it's driving me nuts. I haven't spoken to her in over three weeks. BUT...if her parents can visit her, her family visits her, then why the fuck can't I contact her? Call her? Write her? If she is well enough for them to see her, why isn't she well enough to talk to her husband? Something rotten in the state of Denmark. I am being put on hold, kept out of the way, left in limbo. Bullshit, I say. I have the right to contact my wife. Especially, when she is in a bad place mentally or physically. "Through better or worse, sickness and health". I am left no choice but to pursue other means of finding her. I will contact the US Embassy. If that fails, I will contact the 'organization' that runs things underground in her country. I will pay a fee for them to find her. The other option is to keep trying to get there, so I can find her myself. Once I am there, it will be very easy to find her. I merely have to track her family like a wild cat tracks prey. I will not be kept from my wife. If anyone is in Korea and wants to make some money contact me. I will pay a fee to someone that finds her. Leave a comment with contact info and I will be in touch.

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