Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Seven weeks without word. I hope you're okay, Yeobo. Will I ever see you again? As for your family, I am through with them. I'll never speak to them again. How dare they hang up on me? And your brother is angry I keep 'pestering' him? Bullshit! Maybe if they'd tell me some fucking information. They are finished-out of my life. I wait for you, Yeobo.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
I hope you're getting lots of fruits and vegetables. You always told me to eat plenty of them. I miss you, Yeobo.
I hope you're getting lots of fruits and vegetables. You always told me to eat plenty of them. I miss you, Yeobo.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
I'm trying to stay sane. It's tough. I went to Strawberry Fields on your birthday and sat for a while. Then I walked to 32nd St. and went to the Mandu Bar. Ate some, drank some. The waiter asked for you. Cried my ass off. The last few days I've been thinking of you. I called your house one night. They said you're in the hospital and hung up. I didn't call back. Maybe the language barrier is rough, or maybe they don't want to talk to me. I don't give a shit which. I just want to talk to you. I hope you're getting better. Those fuckers better be treating you ok in the hospital. You must always let me know, and I will take care of the rest. Love you.
I'm trying to stay sane. It's tough. I went to Strawberry Fields on your birthday and sat for a while. Then I walked to 32nd St. and went to the Mandu Bar. Ate some, drank some. The waiter asked for you. Cried my ass off. The last few days I've been thinking of you. I called your house one night. They said you're in the hospital and hung up. I didn't call back. Maybe the language barrier is rough, or maybe they don't want to talk to me. I don't give a shit which. I just want to talk to you. I hope you're getting better. Those fuckers better be treating you ok in the hospital. You must always let me know, and I will take care of the rest. Love you.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Your brother finally blew his lid and told me some information. It's about time! You see, I kept asking him for some contact information, and he finally got annoyed and told me you will be in the hospital for quite a while getting better. He should have told me immediately. Anyway, I see it is going to be a long time before I speak to you. I have been thinking that life is really precious. The time we have with one another is very precarious. You never know when you will see another person again, if at all. I can't imagine living life without you. It makes my heart ache when I think of your absence. Not being able to hold you in my arms makes me so fucking sad. I only pray that we will one day be together again. I want to grow old with you. I think of you always and love you dearly. Get well, Yeobo. Take as much time as you need. I will be here for you.
Your brother finally blew his lid and told me some information. It's about time! You see, I kept asking him for some contact information, and he finally got annoyed and told me you will be in the hospital for quite a while getting better. He should have told me immediately. Anyway, I see it is going to be a long time before I speak to you. I have been thinking that life is really precious. The time we have with one another is very precarious. You never know when you will see another person again, if at all. I can't imagine living life without you. It makes my heart ache when I think of your absence. Not being able to hold you in my arms makes me so fucking sad. I only pray that we will one day be together again. I want to grow old with you. I think of you always and love you dearly. Get well, Yeobo. Take as much time as you need. I will be here for you.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
I was thinking of that big tree that was so beautiful in autumn. Remember? Then those assholes cut it down. It was on the corner by that white house. The trees are so pretty now, Yeobo. I wish you could see them with me.
I was thinking of that big tree that was so beautiful in autumn. Remember? Then those assholes cut it down. It was on the corner by that white house. The trees are so pretty now, Yeobo. I wish you could see them with me.
Friday, October 19, 2007
A nice rainy day, Yeobo. It would have been nice to take a walk or go for a drive with you today. The leaves are falling. It's very pretty, but life sucks without you. Everyday is bleak. And what's worse is that I haven't been able to talk to you thanks to your parents fucking me over. I will take care of it. I will get in touch with you whether they like it or not. Watch!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
I am going crazy without you. Everyone I talk to says I should be in contact with you, but your brother keeps telling me to wait. How the fuck much longer can I sit and wait? I need to talk to you. I'm simmering now, losing my mind, soon to boil over. I will see you soon, don't worry. I love you.
I am going crazy without you. Everyone I talk to says I should be in contact with you, but your brother keeps telling me to wait. How the fuck much longer can I sit and wait? I need to talk to you. I'm simmering now, losing my mind, soon to boil over. I will see you soon, don't worry. I love you.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
I can't believe that I can't get in touch with you after 4 1/2 weeks. I don't know what the fuck is going on, but I really don't believe your parents. I can't imagine that you're in total isolation without access to a phone or internet. What did your parents tell you? What did the doctors say? I'm going fucking nuts. I need to speak with you. I love you, Yeobo.
I can't believe that I can't get in touch with you after 4 1/2 weeks. I don't know what the fuck is going on, but I really don't believe your parents. I can't imagine that you're in total isolation without access to a phone or internet. What did your parents tell you? What did the doctors say? I'm going fucking nuts. I need to speak with you. I love you, Yeobo.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
I hope you're eating a lot of fruit and vegetables. You always told me to eat more of those things. I saw you last night in my dream. I can't wait to see you in person. I miss you. Your birthday is coming soon. Remember a couple of years ago I had the balloons all over the place and surprised you? I wish we could be together on your birthday this year. I'd take you for some hwae or whatever you wanted. I hope we will be together on your birthday next year. Stay strong and take care of yourself. The world needs you. I need you. Love you.
I hope you're eating a lot of fruit and vegetables. You always told me to eat more of those things. I saw you last night in my dream. I can't wait to see you in person. I miss you. Your birthday is coming soon. Remember a couple of years ago I had the balloons all over the place and surprised you? I wish we could be together on your birthday this year. I'd take you for some hwae or whatever you wanted. I hope we will be together on your birthday next year. Stay strong and take care of yourself. The world needs you. I need you. Love you.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
It's been four weeks without word, and I'm sad as hell. I miss your smile, your voice; I miss you. I hope you are okay and getting better. It must suck to be stuck in a hospital for so long. I hope you're eating well and getting some sunlight. I hope you are being treated well and at peace.I love you.
It's been four weeks without word, and I'm sad as hell. I miss your smile, your voice; I miss you. I hope you are okay and getting better. It must suck to be stuck in a hospital for so long. I hope you're eating well and getting some sunlight. I hope you are being treated well and at peace.I love you.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Yeobo, I'm so sad today; it's a rainy day. I know you love rainy days, so I think of you every time it rains. You'd love it, too. Not pouring, just a nice misty drizzle. I wish we were taking a walk in the rain together, holding hands, and just being. No worries, no problems, no appointments or plans. Just walking in the rain. Holding hands. Together.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
I am miserable without you. This really sucks. I can't believe it's been almost a month with no word, and it will be longer till I do speak to you. I'm thinking of you and dream of you when I see butterflies.
I am miserable without you. This really sucks. I can't believe it's been almost a month with no word, and it will be longer till I do speak to you. I'm thinking of you and dream of you when I see butterflies.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Saturday, October 6, 2007
48...Two Songs For Yeobo
Rolling Stones-Wild Horses-1976, Knebworth
Peter Frampton-Baby I Love Your Way
It's so tough to find a friend you've lost contact with. And it's frustrating, sad, upsetting, etc., But trying to locate your wife after she has jumped off a bridge and is a hospital in an Asian country where English isn't the language spoken is not only difficult, but it's fucking so nerve-wracking. It eats you up...okay, okay-it eats me up. It's worse than trying to find a needle in a haystack. It's my wife. I love her. I am trying to find her. I speak a little Korean, not much. Anywhere I call over there people speak Korean, sometimes a little English, but it's tough. Both the person to whom I speak to and I must have patience dealing with the language/understanding difficulties. But, I try and try. I must find my wife. I will never give up hope until I find her and speak with her. As I've said before, if she is through with me then I will have to accept that fact, but I cannot go on not knowing how she feels. I need to know that she is okay physically and mentally. I need to know she is well and she will be happy. I want her to live a long time. I want her to have a happy life, hopefully with me, but if not I will go on. As long as I know she is okay. It's too bad her family blames me for her troubles. They don't realize the entire situation. Yes, I admit I left her lonely. Not always, but too much. I own up to my wrongs. But, I am not entirely to blame. I really think this guy she saw fucked her up. I know he did physically, so he probably did mentally as well. She was never in that condition until after she was with him. I was blind when this happened, but remember this: Justice is not blind! I love my wife and miss her so much. I hope she is okay and getting better. Her family wants us separated, but that is not my choice and I won't give up until I hear the words come out of my wife's mouth.
46....Finder's Fee
Anyone in Korea and feel like making some money? I need to find my wife and will pay a small fee once I have contacted her. Leave a comment with info on how to contact you and I will. This offer is wide open to the Korean Mafia, as well as any other gangs that have an interest. The authorities won't help? Fuck them!
Well, I'm going nuts and forced to go into overdrive. See, I don't know whether my wife's family is feeding her misinformation, or feeding it to me. They could be telling her that I am through with her since she left the airport and jumped off a bridge. They could be telling her to divorce, move on, etc., and in the meantime telling me to "Wait". Wait till she's better before speaking to her. It could be a crock of shit. Or, it could be that she just needs time and then I will be able to contact her. I have no fucking clue and it's driving me nuts. I haven't spoken to her in over three weeks. BUT...if her parents can visit her, her family visits her, then why the fuck can't I contact her? Call her? Write her? If she is well enough for them to see her, why isn't she well enough to talk to her husband? Something rotten in the state of Denmark. I am being put on hold, kept out of the way, left in limbo. Bullshit, I say. I have the right to contact my wife. Especially, when she is in a bad place mentally or physically. "Through better or worse, sickness and health". I am left no choice but to pursue other means of finding her. I will contact the US Embassy. If that fails, I will contact the 'organization' that runs things underground in her country. I will pay a fee for them to find her. The other option is to keep trying to get there, so I can find her myself. Once I am there, it will be very easy to find her. I merely have to track her family like a wild cat tracks prey. I will not be kept from my wife. If anyone is in Korea and wants to make some money contact me. I will pay a fee to someone that finds her. Leave a comment with contact info and I will be in touch.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Thanks to the few people that kicked toward my scooter for work. The rest of you can go screw yourselves. Go donate money to the NRA, the NARP, the Clinton campaign, the Obama campaign, MOVEON.ORG, or to the 'veto-children's-health-care' Bush for life campaign. I'll make it to work. Oh, yeah, go read the William F. Buckley or Bill O'Riley posts instead of mine.
I had the strangest dream last night. I couldn't find you. Then I thought you were at that fucking asshole's house. I was going to go there and skin the guy alive, but then it dawned on me you were home. I managed to get in and upstairs. You weren't there. But all of a sudden, you came up the stairs wearing your wedding dress. The same one you wore in 2000. You walked past me and went into some room where you stayed for about two hours and then I woke up. It sucked. Your parents are really pissing me the fuck off by not telling me how to contact you. You're my wife. I threw everything away to save you. Now they blame me? I have the right to contact you and know how you're doing. I have the right to speak to you unless you tell me you don't want to speak with me. What will happen is that I will never speak with them again. Your brother has been civil, but he hasn't told me any details; what the doctors said, diagnosis, prognosis, nothing. He hasn't told me if you have asked for me or if he gave you the message that I love you and I'm worried sick. I'm losing my fucking patience with your family three weeks after no word or contact. But, rest assured...I am working on things myself. I will talk to you or see you soon enough. Watch! Nobody is going to keep me from my wife except my wife. Everyone else can go screw.
I had the strangest dream last night. I couldn't find you. Then I thought you were at that fucking asshole's house. I was going to go there and skin the guy alive, but then it dawned on me you were home. I managed to get in and upstairs. You weren't there. But all of a sudden, you came up the stairs wearing your wedding dress. The same one you wore in 2000. You walked past me and went into some room where you stayed for about two hours and then I woke up. It sucked. Your parents are really pissing me the fuck off by not telling me how to contact you. You're my wife. I threw everything away to save you. Now they blame me? I have the right to contact you and know how you're doing. I have the right to speak to you unless you tell me you don't want to speak with me. What will happen is that I will never speak with them again. Your brother has been civil, but he hasn't told me any details; what the doctors said, diagnosis, prognosis, nothing. He hasn't told me if you have asked for me or if he gave you the message that I love you and I'm worried sick. I'm losing my fucking patience with your family three weeks after no word or contact. But, rest assured...I am working on things myself. I will talk to you or see you soon enough. Watch! Nobody is going to keep me from my wife except my wife. Everyone else can go screw.
사랑해요 당신을 순전히 놓치거든. 나는 나가 당신과 말할 수 있었다는 것을 바란다. 나는 당신의 음성을 듣고 당신이 좋다는 것을 알 필요가 있다. 이제까지는 격세하는 것은 아주 괴롭다. 더 낫게 되고 저에 관하여 고민하지 말라. 사랑해요 당신과 말하기 위하여 기다릴 것이다.
사랑해요 당신을 순전히 놓치거든. 나는 나가 당신과 말할 수 있었다는 것을 바란다. 나는 당신의 음성을 듣고 당신이 좋다는 것을 알 필요가 있다. 이제까지는 격세하는 것은 아주 괴롭다. 더 낫게 되고 저에 관하여 고민하지 말라. 사랑해요 당신과 말하기 위하여 기다릴 것이다.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
37.. That's The Way of The World...For Yeobo
Hey, still seeking donations for a scooter to get my ass to work. I don't need the millions that Clinton and Obama need. I just need $1,000 for a rinky-dink scooter to get to work, so I can pay off my debts and get my feet back on the ground. Anything helps. Thanks in advance.
This link is for my wife. She loves this song.
This link is for my wife. She loves this song.
Monday, October 1, 2007
I spoke to your mom for a little while. She said you would be in the hospital for a couple of months and that you're not well. I'm going fucking nuts with worry. Then she said "Divorce". I don't want to lose you, but I'll do what you wish when you are well and we talk. I want you to be happy. But, I am not going to do what your mom wants because she doesn't have any inkling of what we've been through the last six and a half years...the ups and downs. She means well, but doesn't have a clue. I can't wait to talk to you. I'm dying. I love you and will wait.
I spoke to your mom for a little while. She said you would be in the hospital for a couple of months and that you're not well. I'm going fucking nuts with worry. Then she said "Divorce". I don't want to lose you, but I'll do what you wish when you are well and we talk. I want you to be happy. But, I am not going to do what your mom wants because she doesn't have any inkling of what we've been through the last six and a half years...the ups and downs. She means well, but doesn't have a clue. I can't wait to talk to you. I'm dying. I love you and will wait.
Birthday came and went. Saw some 'ole friends, but sucked not hearing from my sweetheart. I miss you, Yeobo.
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