Sunday, November 4, 2007


I am trying to find you. It's difficult because your family is being so fucking obstinate. But...I will find you. I spoke to a friend recently. He told me to move on, as in forget you. Well, now I must forget him. What in the hell is wrong with people? They take marriage and love so lightly. I take it seriously. I love you and will never move on unless you tell me we're through. And in that case, I will move on to a different realm.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

your friend was probably trying to give you reason to get on your feet and to find a new joy in life if in fact your wife was for some reason out of the picture. If that is so, then do not renounce him. After all, if you believe in the steadfastness of love, then too you ought to believe in the steadfastness of friendship.