Thursday, September 27, 2007


Hey people,
I'm still asking for donations to get a cheap scooter to get to work. Yeah, I know I have no pride. Guess what, I stopped caring about dumb things like that when my wife jumped off a bridge. Now, I'm trying to work my ass off and pay some crap off and have some money in case I need to send her a ticket, or meet her in a third country, or who knows. I'll freeze my ass off on a scooter in the winter, but it beats walking and at least then I can work my butt off. Better to help me out than to donate to the over-donated-to campaign funds of the politicians. Better to donate to me than to MOVEON. They've got millions and for what, to preach to the choir? To educate people on the evils of the GOP? They had better start educating people when they're still in diapers. Thanks in advance. The Desolate Angel.

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