Thursday, January 10, 2008



Unknown said...

now you need to make it good. Make it go. Did you mess things up in the past? They need not be done again. You can CHOOSE the life you want. Lost and recovered? Then do not lose again. Begin the Beguine...What has she done that needs fixing? what did you do that needs fixing? It seems now it is up to the 2 of you to do the fixing. Happens again, then guess who has fucked up.

Andy said...

can we get a follow up please?

"inquiring minds" want to know.

see you on the 28th.


Unknown said...

what do you mean you would like a follow up? I found this site by chance on felt that some stuff was very moving but also a lot seemed not put in and I thought it would be useful to dig a bit deeper, as we say in coal mining country where I am from (W. Vir)...the real stuff is usually buried very far donw

Dave Daniels said...

Soo... what happened?

Anonymous said...

things have gone from bad to worse, it seems, and I am not the person who can fill you in